Meet the Merrymaker
Andrea has been designing events and creating lush florals for over 20 years. She started out working for a big time, big city florist where the wedding flowers alone could cost upwards of $30,000. That was crazy money in the 2000s! After leaving the industry in a professional capacity, she continued to bless friends and family with her talents.
Event planning and floral design is not her full time job, it’s a passion and a hobby. And for her clients, the money matters. Andrea’s niche is rescuing events from being a total DIY affair. She believes there are some things you SHOULD do yourself because you’ll make memories along the way. Other parts are best left in her helpful hands.
Andrea’s is not a fussy designer, and has never turned her nose up at working in a church gymnasium-but she’s not putting a mirror and confetti on a guest table either. She understands your limitations and will help make your event the best it can be. She’s a spirited and joyful guide with a touch of Southern hospitality and wit.
Merrymaker currently serves clients in Boise, ID and surrounding area but if you want to fly her somewhere fancy she’d consider it.